Postgraduate Bursaries

The American New Wave Conference is pleased to offer up to eight bursaries for postgraduate students who wish to attend the Conference. These will reduce the cost of registration for those currently working on their PhD or Masters degree from £60 to £10.

Please note. The bursaries do not reduce the cost of the evening meals, if you opt to attend these, or of accommodation if you wish to book this in the University halls.

How to apply for a Post-Graduate Bursary

Please e-mail Dr Gregory Frame (, with the following information:

  1. Your name and place of study.
  2. The (provisional) title of your PhD, or of your Masters course.
  3. A short, one paragraph, summary of how attending the conference would help your studies.

The deadline for applications is Monday 17 April, 2017.

Successful applicants will be informed the week after. There is no need to register for the conference before hearing the result of your application.